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Our noobyia is a value-driven and industry agnostic digital transformation technology platform that offers complete transparency across the entire business chain helping you to uncover and quantify both bottlenecks and opportunities.

Endless possibilities

Our noobyia platform seamlessly fuses innovative technology & domain expertise to significantly expand your solution space and ensure that you get an optimum solution that is innovative, scalable, data driven and focused on your KPIs.

With noobyia you gain unfettered access to a pool of worldwide domain experts without the fuss of payroll burden, use of proven technology without the fear of failure, and a platform designed to accommodate your unique requirements.

noobyia‘s flexible architecture means it can co-exist with 3rd party software and integrate preferred workflows. This reduces the internal resistance to change and increases the chance of acceptance by your staff.

Powerful insights

noobyia provides transparent access to an entire business chain. It has a very powerful mobile-friendly dashboard presentation and a business intelligence tool that promotes data driven decisions and reduces human biases.

How noobyia converts your data into value

Data Ingestion

Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) data from one or more sources and consolidate in noobyia DB

Data Orchestration

Automate the entire data wrangling process and ensure that it is ready for analysis

Data Democratization

Constantly ensure reliable, relevant, trustworthy, and on-time data access for all users applying role-based permissions


Provide diagnostic dashboards and enable the use of data analytics tools to create insights

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Value creation

Finally, leverage our novel Hybrid Intelligence™ to reveal the hidden value in your data


We are constantly adding to our extensive microservices library and this is one of the major reasons we are able to provide solutions to you at breakneck speeds. Please explore a few of these microservices and contact us to discuss your requests.

GHG Emissions Tracking System

GHG Emissions Tracking System

"Show your carbon footprints"
All Industries

noobyia has an extensive emissions factor library and provides an easy-to-use interactive and scalable platform that addresses all the emission source categories subject to your organizational and operational control boundary. Some of the features include:

• record measurements and report emissions throughout the value chain
• robust engine that allows flexible data entry
• Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions calculations at any part of the value chain
• GHG emissions forecast for each business plan scenario
• re-calculate historical emissions
• quantify abatement potential

These and other features ensure that you are not only fully compliant with any international reporting standards where you operate but you can tap into the carbon economy.

Integrated Activity Planning

"Where the rubber hits the road"
Energy Industry

noobyia’s Integrated Activity Planner microservice turns a nebulous planning process into a competitive advantage. It enables data-driven decisions with its ability to quantify the impact of changes on KPI, optimize shared resources, track performance, evaluate multiple development options, and provide powerful insights into trade-offs.

Hydrocarbon Accounting System

"Track every oil & gas molecule"
Energy Industry

noobyia’s hydrocarbon accounting system provides a detailed accounting, coherence and transparency of all produced and injected fluids from reservoir unit through to the point of sale or disposal. It has a robust calculation engine which can be triggered on demand or by pre-defined events; and includes volumetric, material balance and data driven back allocation methods. Thus, you can accurately handle the back allocation of any fluid PVT and production network systems.

Knowledge Base

"Keep it simple"
All Industries
noobyia streamlines the proliferation of unstructured data and reports because it serves as a single version of truth. Its searchable functionality and ability to preview both the file headers and table of content make it easy for you to get the data or report that you need

Operations Data Capture

"Trust, but verify"
Energy Industry

Good quality data is at the heart of a successful digital transformation. This is the motivation for noobyia’s rigorous data ingestion model. noobyia has an extensive in-built QA/QC that verifies data from multiple sources including file uploads, web forms, customizable app, and high frequency data from sensors.

Business Intelligence

"Sweat your data assets"
All Industries

noobyia’s Business Intelligence gives you the capacity to:

• bring together all your data sources
• form a comprehensive view of all your data
• categorize your data in terms of relevance and importance
• create compelling visual representation of your data
• significantly accelerate the conversion of your data into actionable insights.

With an enterprise-wide license and role-based permission for each dataset, you have the freedom to share your results with anyone or everyone you want.

Hybrid Intelligence™

Our novel Hybrid Intelligence™ model is at the heart of everything that we do. It combines the strengths of domain expertise and cutting-edge technology to significantly expand your digital transformation solution space. Thus, enabling us to co-create tailor-made solutions on our unique noobyia platform at breakneck speeds.

Cutting-edge Technology

Access to advanced technology & software without the risks of disruptive technologies.


On-time access to a worldwide pool of domain experts without the fuss & payroll burden.

Hybrid Intelligence™

Seamless fusion of cutting-edge technology & domain expertise to create innovative, scalable, and value-driven solutions that are focused on your needs.

Get ready
to transform your data
into value

Request a demo

Please use the form provided to send us your details and one of our representatives will be in touch shortly.